Blog Archives

E coli As A Fuel Producer?

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Possible new strain of E. coli able to produce diesel from fatty acids. Interesting story, probably a few years away from being actually able to produce usable fuel commercially.

Bleeding Disorders

Diagnosis of Bleeding Disorders

Hemoglobin Requirements

Hemoglobin…possibly the most important part of our blood. It binds oxygen to transfer it from the air in the lungs to the body parts and binds to carbon dioxide and other waste to take it away to get rid of it through the lungs. The iron particles in the blood are the reason it appears red. Every animal discovered so far has this system, except one! The fish in the article below has clear blood and no hemoglobin. Insane!

the article

We May Not Get Recognition Often

May be Canadian, but it’s true for us too

The lab isn’t just the person who takes the blood. We play with all sorts of bodily fluids and tissues in aiding the doctor in making accurate diagnoses.